This is the freeform discussion community wherein you can come and discuss with all other members.

Skill Level: Beginner

The PSA Community is for all members. In this community, we support your onboarding and personal profile development and help you as you find, join, or create groups.

We'll also use the community to make announcements, survey members, and hold discussions.

Skill Level: Beginner
The Democracy Challenge (TDC) is our orientation course, serving as an introduction to the Public Square Academy.

In this workshop, you will learn how we work and about the nine areas (or pillars) where our democracy is at risk. You will review the materials, identify any areas where you want to do further work or take action, and decide if you want to become a member of the Academy. You can also decide if you want to develop a group, a course, or a workshop. 
  • To help you with these goals, we offer a self-assessment journal and a project proposal. 

TDC will help you get to know us and the Academy and take steps to become involved in the community.

The TDC course is organized into four units and about fifteen lessons.  We recommend completing one unit per week and then bringing your questions and suggestions to the weekly video call.  Below, you can access the video call, participate in the discussion forum, and complete the program units.

Although we recommend a pace of one unit per week, you are welcome to complete the program at your own pace.

Skill Level: Beginner
Skill Level: Beginner