The Public Square Academy invites you to consider becoming a member of our Learning and Action community. In the Academy of Access to the Democracy Challenge, of course, which helps you identify areas where you might find opportunities to support democracy in the member’s community, participate in discussions, attend talks and debates, and meet other members who are working to build a more perfect union.

Hang out in our third place. Socialize with members. Participate in speed networking, and share your ideas from the soapbox. All of these activities are included in membership. The activities are designed for you to make new friends, to form learning groups, and to participate in securing democracy. What’s been missing in our dialog, on our social media, in our communities is the human factor.

Let’s learn to listen, to appreciate the views of others, to agree to disagree, and to find common ground. This new program is in beta test mode, so membership is a minimum $1 a month plus your donation. But most importantly, please pay with your attention and goodwill.

Michael Freedman

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