
Our main goal is to support our members in becoming more informed and engaged in their personal, economic and civic lives. However, we seek to raise the power of the individual and society. The problems, as we see it are that individuals are increasingly isolated, disengaged, and disenfranchized. The individual is being cut out of the process. Political parties don’t educate their voters.

Additionally, their focus is on locking in their base with emotional triggers, raising money and winning elections or not, and helping us make informed choices. Are you clear on your party’s goals and results? Companies continue to consolidate, reducing consumer choice. They cut out small and middle market businesses dictating terms and products down their supply chain so their suppliers are, in effect, indentured servants.

Main benefits of capitalism

Many companies won’t even speak with their customers anymore. Do you remember when you used to be able to escalate a problem up the ladder until you got it resolved? The main benefit of capitalism is that consumer pressure drives innovation and restrains prices. This benefit is disappearing. Health insurance companies are in the business of capturing and holding patients, not healing us.

Also, did you know that one-third of total U.S. healthcare costs are avoidable? Family purchasing power and real wage growth stagnate while income disparity rockets out of sight. No wonder people are angry when we lose a choice. We act out. We lash out. No wonder. Basically many of us have lost faith in our government. Organizations and leaders are not going to freely give up their power.

Navigating social media

We need to earn it. Social media only gives us the illusion that we are heard. Getting a like is a pretty superficial result. How many real friends have you developed on X or TikTok? We offer courses and workshops and host events, but our main effort is to recruit and build groups to develop solutions, grow us personally, and help our communities.

We are Stronger together. Groups provide creative and accountability support so that we can refine our thinking, earn support, and gain the courage to grow and act. The Academy supports five types of groups. Furthermore, each of these groups is chartered by its members with a stated purpose and intended outcomes. Action groups are organized to take action around a specific purpose or cause.

PSA Group goals

The group agrees on their goals, outcomes, and impacts. Expert groups are action groups that bring together experts and specialists with the experience, skills and expertise to develop improvements in specific areas of society or the economy. Study groups are organized around developing knowledge, skills, and perspectives related to a field and study or practice. A book group would fit this model.

Lastly, as with technical skill building, consumer empowerment, and civic skills. Support groups are organized around individual members in their pursuit of personal development and growth. The individuals set and manage their goals. The group provides creative and accountability support. Local groups are defined by a specific geographic area. These groups focus on local improvement, community trust building and service work. When you become a member of the Public Square Academy, we help you find members with common interests and goals and support you as you join or form a group.


We all host events like speed networking, pitch sessions and team building events and opportunities for just hanging out and talking about the affairs of the day. Join the Public Square Academy and be a part of the solution.

Michael Freedman

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