Our government is by, for and of the people. We, that’s you and me, are the government. If we let troublemakers bring us down, we bring down democracy. The debate should never be about big government or small government. It should be about effective government. And healthy democracy requires that we all act in the best interest of the nation. That we use common sense, that we negotiate in good faith, that we fight for what we believe in.
But ultimately, we find compromise. If we’re acting selfishly, are actively subverting the government, then we’re attacking democracy and helping our enemies. If you join the Public Square Academy, you agree to these shared community values and a code of conduct. These include equality and fairness. We’re all equal. We should all work towards greater quality. Equal pay. Correcting systemic injustices.
Freedom of individuality. Free and fair elections. Voting rights. And the level of competitive playing field. Individual freedom and empowerment. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness within the context of the common good. Our focus is on raising the power of the individual with respect to the power of organizations, truth, justice, and the rule of law. A healthy democracy requires a separation of powers, checks and balances, laws and rules based on reason and evidence, and fair and balanced journalism.
We are all equal under the law and accountable to the truth in our courses and charter groups. We seek diversity of opinion, but we are guided by these shared values. The Academy is a place for people of good faith who want to work towards a more perfect union. Democracy is a luxury. Let’s take good care of it.